
A wealth of Experience

The entire OSTHAVEN team can look back on a large number of projects in the payment and banking environment over more than 30 years. In both areas, we have extensive knowledge and experience along the entire value chain.

Our reference projects show how we have mastered the various challenges and objectives and that we encounterr new projects with innovative approaches in order to realize special entrepreneurial visions.


Strategic review of the go-to-market approach


Strategic review of the go-to-market approach


The customer is one of the leading providers of payment solutions in Europe. As a full-service provider for digital payment solutions in the areas of issuing, processing, payment devices (terminals), card acceptance (acquiring) as well as solutions for online business and additional services, the entire payment value chain is covered.


Strategy for the market entry of a payment service provider from Scandinavia in Germany.


The goal of the project was to define the strategic success factors as well as the prerequisites for market entry in the DACH region with a focus on Germany. Based on an existing product, the value proposition and the added values were to be verified in relation to the market requirements.


The first step was to analyze the product in terms of infrastructure, functionalities, value-added solutions, processes, onboarding requirements, and other solution components for comparison with market requirements. This was followed by a summary of the e-commerce and payment market in the DACH region in terms of market size, structure and characteristics, customer and merchant requirements, merchant segmentation and industries, payment methods and comparison, as well as market participants and competitive landscape. On this basis, suitable measures for the product and value proposition were derived and taken as a basis for market entry in the DACH region. The recommendations cover both product features and functionalities, product processes and go-to-market aspects.

Interim management


Interim management


The customers relate to leading international providers of payment solutions along the entire value chain in Europe. These providers include international credit card acceptance acquirers as well as e-money institutions or payment service providers with a broad portfolio of classic and alternative payment methods for Internet commerce.


Interim management at leading payment service providers in the middle and upper management area.


The objective is the short-term and interim assumption of technical and management responsibility as well as project and budget responsibility in the middle and upper management of leading payment providers.


Based on many years of highly specialized professional experience as well as expert knowledge in the field of payment, we have already been able to take over several functions as interim managers at different customers. These responsible positions are in the middle or upper management area (B- and C-Level) and include technical responsibility as well as personnel, project and budget responsibility. After the short-term takeover of the vacancies and structuring of the corresponding areas of responsibility, the further task is the successful expansion of the business areas as well as the search, preparation and takeover by a suitable internal candidate.

Business development girocard


Business development girocard


S-Payment is the competence center for all aspects of payment within the “Sparkassen” financial group in Germany. As a service provider for the savings banks and state banks, it develops holistic and omni-channel payment and value-added solutions.


Strategic and operational support for the further development of the leading payment method at the POS in Germany (girocard)


Review and adapt the operational market development strategy within the framework of the MIF regulation and support and take over the bilateral charge negotiations.


With the changeover of the fee system on 01.11.2014 and the implementation of the MIF regulation on 09.12.2015, the market for debit card products in Germany is currently in a regulated environment. This means that the framework conditions with the maximum limit as well as the fees to be agreed bilaterally are predefined. S-Payment took over the issuer concentrator function for the “Sparkassen” financial group from the DSGV on 01.07.2016. OSTHAVEN supports S-Payment on the one hand in analyzing and evaluating current trends and developments in the market and competitive environment. The objective here is to identify the success-strategic factors for the strategic further development measures and the adjustment of the operative market development activities for the sustainable expansion of the transaction and revenue growth. In a second step, dedicated and operative tasks of bilateral fee negotiations with merchants or merchant concentrators are taken over. Furthermore, support is provided for the further development of the girocard, e.g. the introduction of Apple Pay.

Development of payment service for a marketplace solution


Development of payment service for a marketplace solution

The aim of the project was for a medium-sized bank to take over the function of payment service provider for an eCommerce marketplace on an interim basis until the latter established its own payment service provider.


The client is a medium-sized credit institution based in Germany with a shareholder structure including a leading international bank and a large retail group. The bank’s business activities include consumer loans, credit cards, deposit and insurance business as well as receivables management and factoring.


Development of a payment service provider function for a marketplace at a medium-sized bank


The aim of the project was for a medium-sized bank to take over the function of payment service provider for an eCommerce marketplace on an interim basis until the marketplace established its own payment service provider.


OSTHAVEN was responsible for the project management and business analysis at the bank. The focus of the project was the technical implementation of the payment transaction, the development of the KYC processes for the AML-compliant onboarding of the platform merchants and the support of the necessary contractual implementation of the construct with the various parties. OSTHAVEN’s services ranged from the development of the business plan, project management tasks, contract negotiations, structuring and moderation of workshops, a provider selection with associated price negotiations, consulting on regulatory issues, as well as close support of concrete technical implementations.

Development of commercial network operations


Development of commercial network operations


The customer is one of the largest free public savings banks in Germany and covers private and corporate customer business as well as private banking. The savings bank is characterized by the development and support of innovative and digital payment solutions.


Establishment of an independent commercial network operation for the terminal and acceptance business


The goal of the project was to develop the transformation from a classic intermediary business in cooperation with network operators for the terminal and acceptance business, to an independently operating commercial network operator.


In this project, OSTHAVEN supported the major savings bank with in-depth market knowledge and prepared and structured the necessary activities for setting up a commercial network operator. In addition to the strategic orientation for the establishment of an own commercial network operation, the client was supported in the topics of product, sales and marketing. Furthermore, a selection process for the selection of a technical network operator was structured and set up for the major savings bank. OSTHAVEN was in charge of defining the requirements, negotiating the terms and conditions and providing intensive support during the contract negotiations.

Review of risk management processes


Review of risk management processes


Analysis and evaluation of the risk management processes and technical systems of a leading acquiring bank in the Middle East.


Analyze and evaluate the risk management processes and technical systems of a leading acquiring bank in the Middle East.


The agreed objective was to create transparency about the acquirer’s current compliance and risk management capabilities and to derive appropriate gapss as part of a best practice approach. The adjustments to responsibilities and processes were to avoid potential financial losses and reputational damage.


To meet its ambitious growth plans for the coming years, OSTHAVEN was asked to review its current risk management functions, particularly for e-commerce, from a holistic perspective. Based on OSTHAVEN’s deep market knowledge in merchant acquiring, the first step was to evaluate the risk management structures and onboarding process. Furthermore, the initial results were compared with a best practice approach and a short market analysis was conducted. Finally, measures to solve the identified GAPs and to cover market requirements were defined. This was to be complemented by recommendations for short- to long-term adjustments to provide a robust solution for existing and future customers.

Support of M&A opportunities


Support of M&A opportunities


Leading private equity companies with a focus on pro rata or majority shareholdings in payment companies along the entire value chain


Senior Expert Advisory and Subject Matter Expert in the context of reviewing M&A opportunities for leading private equity firms.


Professional analysis and evaluation of payment companies in the context of potential participation by private equity companies


To meet its ambitious growth plans for the coming years, OSTHAVEN was asked to review its current risk management functions, particularly for e-commerce, from a holistic perspective. Based on OSTHAVEN’s deep market knowledge in merchant acquiring, the first step was to evaluate the risk management structures and onboarding process. Furthermore, the initial results were compared with a best practice approach and a short market analysis was conducted. Finally, measures to solve the identified GAPs and to cover market requirements were defined. This was to be complemented by recommendations for short- to long-term adjustments to provide a robust solution for existing and future customers

Selection of a PSP & Acquirer


Selection of a PSP & Acquirer

In the context of digitalization, the customer has set itself the goal of expanding the function of booking in the online business with a new product “Shipping Guarantee”. This guarantee for the transport on a specific trip is to be paid online through a new online checkout to be created.


The customer is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies based in Germany, which has now developed into a leading global transport and logistics company.


Within the scope of the implementation, the customer required support in selecting a suitable payment service provider, as well as the necessary acquirers for the best possible worldwide coverage of the solution, including the suitable payment alternatives.


In the context of digitalization, the customer has set the goal to extend the function of booking in the online business by a new product “Shipping Guarantee”. This guarantee for the transport on a specific trip is to be paid online through a new online checkout to be created.


For the implementation, OSTHAVEN supported the customer with an introduction and analysis workshop to record the current situation and the resulting requirements. The requirements were prepared for the development of a “Request for Proposal” (RFP) and implementation of the corresponding process. This was followed by an evaluation of the providers and a recommendation for the selection of a payment service provider. In addition to the selection process, legal and procedural support was provided, as well as assistance with contract negotiation and drafting. The service was rounded off by the assumption of tasks in the area of connection, testing and go-live.

Introduction of wallet provider


Introduction of wallet provider


The customer is one of the leading German payment providers in the German-speaking region, which is represented in the areas of network operations and acquiring.


The goal of the implementation was to become an acquirer for the two acceptances at the point of sale and in eCommerce in order to gain new customers in this way.


In order to achieve the defined goal, the actual situation was first analyzed. Subsequently, OSTHAVEN supported the definition of a billing concept and the extension of the existing payment gateway for the new acceptances. These were connected to the gateway after the specification for the implementation at the POS and eCommerce had been worked out and released for piloting. The defined billing and provisioning concept was applied in consideration of the complex partner structure of the company. Finally, training and marketing concepts were developed to support the market launch.

Documentation of regulation compliant settlement processes


Documentation of regulation compliant settlement processes


The customer is one of the leading providers of payment solutions and POS terminals in the small merchant segment worldwide. The customer serves more than 3,000,000 small merchants worldwide with payment services.


Document billing processes established at the client and under development by Q2/2021 with affiliated acquirers, credit card organization (in the client’s role as card issuer) and affiliated merchants.


The goal of the project was to create complete documentation of the daily billing process established at the customer by the audit date previously announced by the regulator (start Q3/2021). This documentation was to cover all manual operational activities as well as fully and transparently reflect automated process steps. Similarly, the customer was in the process of adapting, expanding or creating new processes with regard to the existing audit. At this point, OSTHAVEN was asked for support in designing these processes.


OSTHAVEN worked on both tasks in parallel.

1) Documentation: In a first step, the entities/systems involved in the billing process were identified on the basis of the customer’s organizational structure. Thereupon, detailed interviews were conducted with these entities identified in this way to record the current activities (as far as possible remotely due to the prevailing pandemic regulations). Subsequently, OSTHAVEN recorded the information thus gathered in corresponding documents and prepared these in the customer’s own documentation system. The documentation prepared by OSTHAVEN recorded operational/automated processes in all subareas, the accounting transactions of the individual processes, and the monetary movements. Finally, the documentation produced by OSTHAVEN was quality-assured together with the customer and approved by the latter.

2) Conceptual design: OSTHAVEN was asked to provide conceptual design support at a time when the customer had already begun adapting parts of its processes. Based on the information from subproject 1 and the respective (country-specific) regulatory requirements, OSTHAVEN already had to review the processes designed by the customer as well as those that had not yet been (re-)designed with regard to correct regulatory processing. This review was carried out in close cooperation with the customer’s legal departments in order to ensure that the processes concerned could always be redesigned in a legally consistent manner. As a result of these reviews, OSTHAVEN discussed new concept union proposals with the customer.

Introduction of strong customer authentication (SCA)


Introduction of strong customer authentication (SCA)


Concardis GmbH offers all payment services from a single source – from card acceptance and payment processing to payment devices, payment solutions for online business and attractive additional services. To this end, it offers innovative solutions that anyone can use – without any IT or programming knowledge at all. As part of the Nets Group, Concardis works with a leading payment service provider and digital champion from Northern Europe.


Project management SCA introduction into the processes/systems of Concardis GmBH


The customer’s objective is to implement the SCA guidelines on the systems/processes of Concardis without any noticeable drop in processed volumes after implementation. For this purpose, internal/external processes and systems must be adapted or newly introduced in compliance with the regulations. Corresponding dealer and service provider communication must be carried out in good time.


First, all Concardis processes/systems involved in the processing are recorded. OSTHAVEN then analyzes the SCA requirements and their adaptations to be applied to the processes/systems. Internally, as well as externally, OSTHAVEN initiates a conception of the SCA measures to be implemented after recording all potentially necessary change measures. Further on, in close cooperation with Concardis’ own departments (and in consultation with all nets S/A affiliated companies affected by SCA), an action plan is then developed and transformed into a project plan. Project management not only includes tracking the tasks/sub-projects associated with the project, but also requires detailed support in the implementation of the adaptation measures.